Géraldine presents:
French Conversation with Confidence
Improve (and reconnect with) your French fluency by focusing on conversational French
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The multi-purpose scripts you’ll learn in these 16 lessons can be used in a wide range of everyday conversations and situations – whether you’re physically in France, engaging in conversation practice at home, or even listening to French dialogue in movies, TV shows and podcasts!

Topic 1: An evening with friends
• Greeting your hosts
• Debating at the dinner table
• Meeting someone new for the first time
• Arriving at your friends' house
Topic 2: Speaking with one person
• Paying compliments
• Comforting a friend
• Giving your opinion
• Talking to strangers in formal situations

Topic 3: Dealing with salespeople
• At the hair salon
• Buying bread and croissants at the bakery
• Conversing with service departments
• Answering ads and negotiating prices
Topic 4: Speaking with a neighbor
• Asking for a favor
• Thanking them
• Talking about your country
• Common elevator conversation
- Embarrassing mistakes in French
- English words (badly) used in French
- Insults and vulgarity
- Writing emails in French
- At the clothing store
- At the flea market
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Discover “secret scripts” that make speaking real, everyday French feel easy.
Speak French With Total Confidence — In Real Life Situations!
French Conversation with Confidence is my best program for people who want to speak French without worrying about making mistakes.
French conversation is an art form – a ritual. And in this program, I teach you the secrets to that ritual: the exact “scripts” that we use every single day to interact with one another.
I’ll show you everything you need to converse confidently in French without any awkward pauses, shame, or switching back to English — the vocabulary, rules, customs and phrases we use every day.
This is a very flexible and fun program with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. All 22 lessons (delivered in French, with some English translations) are yours to keep forever, so you can learn at your own pace, on your schedule, and hit replay as many times as you like.
With French Conversation with Confidence, you will be able to:
Speak and understand native French in everyday common situations, because you recognize the “secret scripts” French people are using
Put sentences together in French as automatically as you do in English, and have a conversation that flows with so much less effort than it feels like right now
Stop freezing up in the middle of a French conversation out of embarrassment, nervousness or shame that you’re going to say something wrong, or understand something incorrectly
Feel PROUD to use the French you’ve spent years learning
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Each of the 16 lessons is built around a scripted scene played out by actors speaking real, modern French in everyday situations, with extra commentary from Géraldine.
Dialogues & Subtitles in French (only)
- The actors read the dialogue at normal speed, like they would in everyday life.
- Then, to make sure you really understand, the actors will speak at a slower speed.
- Each scene is based on a real, everyday situation (so you’re prepared when you encounter them in your daily life!)
In French + English
- Practice your own pronunciation of the words from the scene.
- Read the full translation in English so you understand the meaning of each word and expression.
- Print it out and take notes of where you make mistakes (with meaning or pronunciation), then practice until you have the “secret scripts” memorized.
French Vocabulary + English Explanations
- The video is a commentary of the text with extra info and translations.
- You can download the slides of the commentary.
- Hit pause, take notes, take your time. Watch as many times as you wish.
Two different ways
- Take a test with questions in English and French. Can you answer them?
- Download the practice sheet and try to fill in the blanks for the conversation script (without peeking!)
“I would recommend this course 100% because of all the meticulous work put into it. It’s very detailed and thorough (there are plenty of explanations), and covers a wide range of topics with vocabulary that you can use daily.
I really like how the conversations in the audio were current and real, spoken French. I can also understand a bit more when people are speaking quickly for me, which for them is normal speed. And the videos DEFINITELY augmented the learning process.”
- Cristina (USA)
“The videos are great, give a personal touch. I liked the ‘on peut dire aussi’, shows there are lots of ways of saying similar things – good for confidence. The fast and slow text was good and the attachments helpful. I like the ability to access any time and download.
I learned specific phrases and words that I now use and didn’t use to. I’m also a bit more confident to have a go and not worry too much about mistakes. “
- Mark (UK)
Ce cours est le plus utile de tous ceux que j’ai pris. Rien de superflu, laconique mais chargé d’informations pratiques au maximum.
On peut le reprendre à toute heure. Et en plus il est si entraînant qu’on a très envie de continuer à étudier le français, les Français et la France.
Dans les leçons, il y a beaucoup de sujets vitaux. Ma langue française s’est enrichie des expressions qui ne sont connues que par les Français. “
- Tania (Russia)
I'm very busy right now, how long do I have access to the program?
No worries because you have lifetime access to the program. So you can follow the program at your own pace and revisit the lessons before your next trip to Paris.
I'm a complete beginner, is this the program for me?
Sorry, the program is not designed for complete beginners. It’s easy to tell if you’ve reached the minimum level: You are able to learn from Comme une Française TV episodes. If you still find you need more grammar and conjugation lessons, or precise translations of basic French words, the program might be too difficult for you.
I’m a man and this site says "Comme une Française". Can I join?
Oh oui ! Comme une Française welcomes smart women and men. The content isn’t gender-specific . And already, 30% of the students are men. Come on in!
What if I have questions? What if I need help?
We keep an eye on each of our students. We know how tricky computers can be so if you need any technical help accessing the program, or with any email, just ask. My team of Customer Care Superheroes will come back to you, in no time. Anytime, as many times as you need.
For your questions about the lessons, use the comment area of each lesson and you'll receive my personal answer to clear a point or get more explanations on the topic.
Am I too old for this? Is this program only for 20-somethings?
Most of my students are women over 40—women in charge of their lives who know how important it is to learn and keep learning. Ages range from 25 to over 70—so you’re more than welcome. And between us, if you fear running into technical difficulties accessing the program online, fear not! I’ll be there to help if needed.
I stand by my programs, just like a real-life teacher would, with the advantages of a normal purchase. In your city, if a shirt doesn’t fit, you take it back to the shop!
Good news. You have 60 days to go through all the lessons and see if the program works for you. So you can be sure that it’s up to your level, that you like my style of teaching, that your French is really improving.
If the program doesn’t suit you, email me or my team, ask for a refund and you’ll get 100% of your money back. No need to threaten, to plead or to send an official letter, just send an email to help@commeunefrancaise.com asking for a refund. If you’re super kind, tell us why so we understand what’s going on (maybe we can help?). But if you don’t feel like it, just say you want a refund.
We’ll close your access to the program and send your money back (yes, including the VAT if you live in Europe).
We are super dedicated to customer care and your happiness comes first. Always.
About Géraldine
Salut ! Moi c’est Géraldine Lepère.
I’m a French woman (Paris-born, now living in the Alps) with a passion for sharing my love for French language and culture! I started Comme une Française in 2012 and have since helped more than 6,700 alumni learn to confidently understand and speak real, modern French through my paid programs – not to mention taught more than 7 million French learners through my weekly YouTube lessons.
Born to a French father and Mexican mother, I know the challenges and desire to blend into life in a foreign country. After two years of living in the UK, I knew that going beyond just grammar is essential to fitting in and feeling at home wherever you are.
If you love France and French life, I’m here to guide you, answering questions you wouldn’t dare ask about anything and everything French, so join me for learning and fun.
You’ve been following my weekly video lessons for a while and now I’m happy to introduce you to my premium programs.