Géraldine presents:
French Vocabulary & Pronunciation
The best online program to help you achieve spoken French fluency
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Focus on learning useful spoken French, so you can make faster progress
Gain French fluency in a way you’d only otherwise experience in France
French Vocabulary and Pronunciation is my best program for people who want to make fast progress in their ability to speak and understand French the way real French people do.
Through everyday vocabulary and expressions and pronunciation tips, you’ll learn the difference between written and spoken French, understand why you often sound like a robot when speaking French, and learn what easy changes you can make to bring your French into the 21st century.
If you have a goal to increase your spoken French fluency, so you can have a proper conversation (without overthinking), stop reading subtitles, speak without hesitating, and understand what’s being said in French conversations…
And you would love the guidance, structure, accountability, and proven methodology to help you reach that goal…
This is the program for you!
With ‘French Vocabulary and Pronunciation’, you will:
- Walk away with useful spoken French vocabulary you can rely on in real life – whether at home, enjoying all things French, or in France.
- Improve your listening comprehension and understanding by 2x
- Become more confident and comfortable with talking fast, just as the French do. You’ll also stop worrying so much about making mistakes!
- Understand the culture behind French words, with insider tips on the dos, don’ts, hows, and whys of social French.
- Enjoy French with a new sense of confidence and have great conversations… You’ll be proud of yourself!
Module 01: Spoken French basics - It's a different language
Learn the first step of spoken French grammar: dropping the negation. In this module, we’ll also see how the e disappears. French swearing is an important part of the language too. Don’t use it: know it!
- Lesson 01: Remembering to drop the “ne” in most spoken French.
- Lesson 02: Les “tics de langage”, the peculiar things we say without even realizing it!
- Lesson 03: The disappearing “e”, swallowing the vowel sound in conversational French.
- Lesson 04: “C’est génial!” Showing enthusiasm in spoken French.
- Lesson 05: French Swearing, it’s important to understand them, even if you don’t use bad words yourself.
Module 02: Buying things, on the phone, and expanding your yes/no vocabulary
Conversations on the phone are scary. I’ll show you exact scripts to be confident on the phone. We’ll also cover the dreaded “y”. And you’ll learn nuances to go beyond the dry “oui” and “non”.
- Lesson 06: “Au téléphone”, speaking clearly and confidently on the telephone in French.
- Lesson 07: The tricky “y”, it’s hard to know where to put it, so learn some of my tips and tricks.
- Lesson 08: “Acheter”, buying things in French.
- Lesson 09: “Oui” saying yes and agreeing with expanded vocabulary.
- Lesson 10: “Non” saying no and disagreeing with expanded vocabulary.
Module 03: Sound more French, tips and tricks
We’ll see the different sounds of the “e” (oh… accents…) and la liaison. You’ll learn how to drop the formal “nous” and add little French words to sound more French.
- Lesson 11: Le “e”, how to pronounce this vowel in different ways.
- Lesson 12: Le “on”, using this more informal pronoun is a must for spoken French.
- Lesson 13: The verb “foutre”, used in many different ways this is an important verb to master.
- Lesson 14: “Les petits mots”, small words that pop up here and there, an essential part of speaking!
- Lesson 15: “Les liaisons” how to know when and where to put them.
Module 04: polite French, logic words and slang
Spoken French evolves as familiarity grows. We often start with formal French to move on to slang and more relaxed vocabulary. Learn how to tell a story and use modern slang verbs.
- Lesson 16: “La Politesse” how to be pleasant and polite in spoken French.
- Lesson 17: Asking for corrections from French people: “Tu peux corriger mes fautes?”
- Lesson 18: “La logique” telling a story in a properly laid out manner.
- Lesson 19: “Les mots anglais” all of the English words used in everyday French.
- Lesson 20: “Les verbes d’argot” slang verbs, very important for speaking modern French.
Each of the 20 lessons is built around a real-life dialogue read by 5 professional French actors.
Dialogues & Subtitles in French
- The actors read the dialogue at lower and native speed, to help you understand fully what they say.
- Each HD video offers French subtitles that you can activate whenever you want.
- You can also download an audio version of the dialogue to take with you.
French Vocabulary + English Explanations
- The video is a commentary of the text with extra info and translations.
- You can download the slides of the commentary.
- Hit pause, take notes, take your time. Watch as many times as you wish.
Practice what you’ve learned and improve your French pronunciation
- Check the translation to fully understand the meaning of each new word and expression.
- Take notes on the transcript of the dialogue in French.
- Notice the spelling and compare with what you expected by watching the dialogue.

Oxfordshire, UK
I took “French Vocabulary and Pronunciation” to speak with more confidence and less hesitation. The course will help you to sound natural, and not like a walking textbook. Even if you think that you are at an advanced level and the course is going to be too easy for you… it’s not, there are still a lot of subtleties to be learned. My attitude to making a mistake has completely changed… therefore my confidence has rocketed.

Gauteng, South Africa
Although I have passed B2 level at Alliance Française, I found I was lacking in everyday phrases i.e. street French. French conversational language isn’t found in French textbooks! Even grammar is different: sometimes it is constructed differently in conversational French. Thanks to Géraldine’s program, I try out some new phrases when speaking and with more confidence knowing that a French teacher, living in France, was guiding whole lesson.

Maryland, USA
Going to France in June and wanted to get my French as polished as possible. Plus, I really, really love Geraldine’s videos! I took the course to understand French slang and to have better comprehension of “la logique”. I’ve studied French for many years and even lived a year in France, and I never noticed that true French speakers drop the “ne” in spoken phrases that include “ne pas!” First lesson was a real revelation!”

Alabama, USA
I love languages, and I wanted to improve my french from high school with real, spoken french so I could travel abroad. I loved having the insight of a native french speaker and I was surprised by all the little subtleties about spoken french. Instead of learning lists of vocabulary, it’s more like nuances that a non-native would take a while to pick up on.
I'm very busy right now, how long do I have access to the program?
No worries because you have lifetime access to the program. So you can follow the program at your own pace and revisit the lessons before your next trip to Paris.
I'm a complete beginner, is this the program for me?
Sorry, the program is not designed for complete beginners. It’s easy to tell if you’ve reached the minimum level: You are able to learn from Comme une Française TV episodes. If you still find you need more grammar and conjugation lessons, or precise translations of basic French words, the program might be too difficult for you.
I’m a man and this site says "Comme une Française". Can I join?
Oh oui ! Comme une Française welcomes smart women and men. The content isn’t gender-specific . And already, 30% of the students are men. Come on in!
What if I have questions? What if I need help?
We keep an eye on each of our students. We know how tricky computers can be so if you need any technical help accessing the program, or with any email, just ask. My team of Customer Care Superheroes will come back to you, in no time. Anytime, as many times as you need.
For your questions about the lessons, use the comment area of each lesson and you'll receive my personal answer to clear a point or get more explanations on the topic.
Am I too old for this? Is this program only for 20-somethings?
Most of my students are women over 40—women in charge of their lives who know how important it is to learn and keep learning. Ages range from 25 to over 70—so you’re more than welcome. And between us, if you fear running into technical difficulties accessing the program online, fear not! I’ll be there to help if needed.
I stand by my programs, just like a real-life teacher would, with the advantages of a normal purchase. In your city, if a shirt doesn’t fit, you take it back to the shop!
Good news. You have 60 days to go through all the lessons and see if the program works for you. So you can be sure that it’s up to your level, that you like my style of teaching, that your French is really improving.
If the program doesn’t suit you, email me or my team, ask for a refund and you’ll get 100% of your money back. No need to threaten, to plead or to send an official letter, just send an email to help@commeunefrancaise.com asking for a refund. If you’re super kind, tell us why so we understand what’s going on (maybe we can help?). But if you don’t feel like it, just say you want a refund.
We’ll close your access to the program and send your money back (yes, including the VAT if you live in Europe).
We are super dedicated to customer care and your happiness comes first. Always.
About Géraldine
Salut ! Moi c’est Géraldine Lepère.
I’m a French woman (Paris-born, now living in the Alps) with a passion for sharing my love for French language and culture! I started Comme une Française in 2012 and have since helped more than 6,700 alumni learn to confidently understand and speak real, modern French through my paid programs – not to mention taught more than 7 million French learners through my weekly YouTube lessons.
Born to a French father and Mexican mother, I know the challenges and desire to blend into life in a foreign country. After two years of living in the UK, I knew that going beyond just grammar is essential to fitting in and feeling at home wherever you are.
If you love France and French life, I’m here to guide you, answering questions you wouldn’t dare ask about anything and everything French, so join me for learning and fun.
You’ve been following my weekly video lessons for a while and now I’m happy to introduce you to my premium programs.