Comme une Française School presents:
Refresh your French foundations and learn how to speak French with confidence!

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Your introduction to real, authentic spoken French
You've never learned spoken French like this before!
Created by popular demand from the Comme une Française community, “Spoken French Essentials” covers the spoken French foundations that every French learner needs, no matter how long they’ve been studying French.
Spoken French is very, very different from the French that you learned from those dusty high school and college textbooks many years ago. This program introduces you to those key differences in a clear, easy-to-understand way.
You can think of it as a “fresh start” in your French learning journey, so that you can “forget” your wrong assumptions about spoken French and learn to speak it the right way.
I created this program to give you a comfortable, engaging, and fun way to refresh your spoken French. In just 10 minutes a day for 30 days, I can promise you’re going to learn modern spoken French that STICKS… and it won’t feel like schoolwork.
This program isn’t just “French 101”. It focuses on the foundations of speaking like a true, authentic French speaker. With “Spoken French Essentials”, you will:
- Learn the correct pronunciation when saying even simple, common sentences, so you sound less like a learner and more like a confident French speaker;
- Avoid the most common spoken French mistakes by learning the spoken French fundamentals your high school textbooks never taught you
- Learn how to express yourself in French the way real French people do
- Become more confident with your French, and actually want to use it!
- Have an easy-to-follow, step-by-step learning plan, with lessons that you can complete in just 10 fun minutes a day
10 lessons to take you from being too nervous to use your French, to having basic conversations with complete confidence!
Leçon 00 : Introduction
What you'll achieve with this program and how it works
Leçon 01 : Friendly & Flowing French Conversation Essentials
Learn the proper pronunciation of common French sentences and expressions
Leçon 02 : French Accent Essentials
How to sound more authentically French (and avoid embarrassment) when speaking
Leçon 03 : BONUS Lesson
French Basics Refresher
Leçon 04 : French Sentence Composition Essentials
Learn the building blocks of any French sentence, with proper pronunciation
Leçon 05 : French Noun and Adjective Essentials
Create more diverse sentences without making common spoken French mistakes
Leçon 06 : Conversations with Numbers Essentials:
Ask about prices or timetables without sounding like a tourist
Leçon 07 : French Pronoun Essentials
Avoid common mix-ups when talking about belongings, feelings, and relationships
Leçon 08 : The Essential Art of Saying No in French
Learn to express yourself the way real French people do (the colloquial way!)
Leçon 09 : Mastering French Conversation Essentials
How to put all of your knowledge together so you can sound more authentic and confident when speaking French
Leçon 10 : Everyday Spoken French Essentials
How to remember all that you’ve learned, actually use it going forward, and keep improving your spoken French
Each of the 10 lessons focuses on a specific goal, specifically selected to teach you the foundations of spoken French: from basic (but often overlooked) pronunciation & grammar, to the most useful phrases you can use in everyday conversation.
In English (with the appropriate French words and phrases)
- Each lesson contains one or more video lessons from Géraldine on the applicable topic
- Videos are short and digestible, so you don’t get overwhelmed with too much information at once
- Download the video, its audio, or the full written lesson for easy on-the-go learning
- The same quality you know and love from our weekly lessons, but with extra care and attention taken to help you build those spoken French fundamentals
Test yourself and retain your knowledge
- After each video lesson, Géraldine walks you through examples and exercises related to what you just learned, so you can test yourself and see how much you’ve absorbed
- Come back to the exercises again and again to see how much you remember over time
- Download the video or its audio so you can test yourself wherever, whenever
Reflect on your learning
- Each lesson comes with a fill-in-the-blanks PDF worksheet so you can make notes, test yourself, and reflect on what you’ve learned
- Gain more confidence in your learning before moving on to the next level
- Print it off and keep it in your learning notebook to gauge your progress over time
Translated from French to English
- Each lesson comes with a PDF of the key vocabulary from that lesson, so you can print it off and study on the go
- Learn the most important words from the lesson in English and French
- Read Géraldine’s pronunciation tips and practice saying these new words out loud (crucial to learning how to speak French the proper way, not just reading or writing it!s)

United States
It’s easy and enjoyable to learn in this way. I’ve enjoyed learning a bit more conversational phrases, and I liked that each lesson offers multiple parts to practice: vocabulary, videos, etc. I know I will feel a little more confident when I visit France again.

United States
It’s been many years since I learned French, and this course helped me believe I can re-learn it. In fact, it helped me know how to speak French the way it’s actually spoken, not just from a 35-year-old textbook. It was set up in a way that made learning easy and fun, and I loved the way each lesson was divided into sections with different videos for each. I feel more confident in speaking and understanding basic French in the way I need to be able to when I visit France later this year.

Vancouver, Canada
It is possible to learn French at a mature age! I’m 62, and this introduction has made me want to learn more and hope that I may be able to communicate in French one day. I can learn on my own time, and the ability to repeat the lessons at my discretion allows me to practice.

United States
I have tried other online courses, but the organization and content of your courses are the best. Your lessons are very helpful with the nuances in everyday French, and I particularly like the length of each lesson as I learn better in shorter lessons. Now, I feel more comfortable each time I try to speak, and I can listen to each lesson over and over.
Spoken French Essentials is for you if...
- You learned French a long time ago in high school or college and have barely used it since. Maybe you’ve read some books or watched French movies, but you feel awkward, embarrassed, or nervous when it comes to speaking.
- Your spoken French feels very rusty, and you wouldn’t feel comfortable ordering a meal in French or asking for directions, for example.
- You’re ready to reconnect with your youthful passion for French by not just learning French, but learning how to actually speak it in a modern, everyday way.
- You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself a “complete beginner” in French, but you know you’d have trouble following a French conversation or confidently speaking to a French person.
- Or maybe you ARE a complete beginner who has never learned French before, and you’d like to focus on the right things so that you can start speaking and using your French right away!
What level of French is this program for?
Spoken French Essentials is suitable for both complete beginners and more intermediate learners who missed out on learning the foundations of spoken French. Even if you have a more advanced level of writing and reading French, this program is for you if your spoken French still feels rusty. Inside, we'll focus on the Spoken French Essentials that every French learner needs, no matter how long you've been studying French. The majority of my students and the people who watch my YouTube videos would benefit greatly from this program, even if they’re not “brand new” to French.
I’m a man and this site says "Comme une Française". Can I join?
Oh oui ! Comme une Française welcomes smart women and men. The content isn’t gender-specific . And already, 30% of the students are men. You'll find their testimonials below. Come on in!
I'm very busy right now, how long do I have access to the program?
No worries because you have lifetime access to the program. So you can follow the program at your own pace and revisit the lessons before your next trip to Paris.
What if I have questions? What if I need help?
We keep an eye on each of our students. We know how tricky computers can be so if you need any technical help accessing the program, or with any email, just ask. My team of Customer Care Superheroes will come back to you, in no time. Anytime, as many times as you need.
For your questions about the lessons, use the comment area of each lesson and you'll receive my personal answer to clear a point or get more explanations on the topic.
Am I too old for this? Is this program only for 20-somethings?
Most of my students are women over 40—women in charge of their lives who know how important it is to learn and keep learning. Ages range from 25 to over 70—so you’re more than welcome. And between us, if you fear running into technical difficulties accessing the program online, fear not! I’ll be there to help if needed.
I stand by my programs, just like a real-life teacher would, with the advantages of a normal purchase. In your city, if a shirt doesn’t fit, you take it back to the shop!
Good news. You have 60 days to go through all the lessons and see if the program works for you. So you can be sure that it’s up to your level, that you like my style of teaching, that your French is really improving.
If the program doesn’t suit you, email me or my team, ask for a refund and you’ll get 100% of your money back. No need to threaten, to plead or to send an official letter, just send an email to asking for a refund. If you’re super kind, tell us why so we understand what’s going on (maybe we can help?). But if you don’t feel like it, just say you want a refund.
We’ll close your access to the program and send your money back (yes, including the VAT if you live in Europe).
We are super dedicated to customer care and your happiness comes first. Always.
About Géraldine
Salut ! Moi c’est Géraldine Lepère.
I’m a French woman (Paris-born, now living in the Alps) with a passion for sharing my love for French language and culture! I started Comme une Française in 2012 and have since helped more than 6,700 alumni learn to confidently understand and speak real, modern French through my paid programs – not to mention taught more than 7 million French learners through my weekly YouTube lessons.
Born to a French father and Mexican mother, I know the challenges and desire to blend into life in a foreign country. After two years of living in the UK, I knew that going beyond just grammar is essential to fitting in and feeling at home wherever you are.
If you love France and French life, I’m here to guide you, answering questions you wouldn’t dare ask about anything and everything French, so join me for learning and fun.
You’ve been following my weekly video lessons for a while and now I’m happy to introduce you to my premium programs.