Géraldine presents:
improve your French oral comprehension skills while learning vocabulary, expressions & customs around French food culture.
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“Insider French” is my most structured deep-dive into French oral comprehension ever! It’s also my most interesting program ever, as it teaches you how to better understand real spoken French using French food culture.
Though it looks like a course for French foodies, it’s really a course on real modern French – vocabulary + conversation rules we use in all French conversations, not just around the dinner table.
With “Insider French”, you will:
- Boost your oral comprehension of real, everyday French, whether it’s around the dinner table or in the supermarket, and have fun doing it!
- Learn on your own time and always have a go-to resource, with at-your-own-pace lessons that never expire (and are updated over time).
- Understand the vocabulary, expressions and customs we use every day to talk about French food, but also many other things in our day-to-day lives.
- Reconnect with your love for all things French by learning practical tips for better oral comprehension and having fun while doing it.
- Impress your family & friends, not only with your mastery of understanding French conversations but also your deep knowledge of French food, culture & customs.
Module 1
Sophisticated French nuances and vocabulary Part I (using red wine examples)
Module 2
Sophisticated French nuances and vocabulary Part II (using white + rosé wine as examples)
Module 3
The French standard of politeness & how to avoid sounding patronizing (using soft cheese examples)
Module 4
Tips for speaking French like a grown up: vocabulary + rules (using hard cheese examples)
Module 5
Learn to ask good questions + answer them in French conversation (using wine & cheese examples)
Module 6
Living the simple French life: Conversation & culture tips (using bread as an example)
Module 7
Learn common vocabulary + expressions to use at the table or in a restaurant
Module 8
French table conversation (vocabulary + oral comprehension, using champagne and sparkling wine examples)
Module 9
French food + cooking (vocabulary + oral comprehension)
Module 10
Learn how to shop like a French person (vocabulary + oral comprehension)
Each of the 10 lessons focuses on a key part of everyday French conversation, with key vocabulary, examples, practice exercises, and French cuisine knowledge + tips.
Dialogues & Subtitles in French (only)
- Géraldine and Coralie converse about French food culture at a normal speed, so you can practice your oral comprehension of real spoken French.
- Each HD video offers French subtitles that you can activate whenever you want.
- Download an audio version of the conversation, or the full transcript (in French), to take with you.
- Each lesson covers a different part of everyday French vocabulary and French customs while sharing knowledge on French cuisine (wine, bread, and cheese).
In French and English
- Each lesson comes with a PDF of the most important keywords in that lesson, so you can print it off and study on the go!
- Learn the most important words from the lesson in English and French
- Download the repeat-after-me audio of the keywords, so you can practice your own pronunciation
- Learn how they’re used in everyday situations by listening to the audio recording of Géraldine’s examples
Practice what you’ve learned and improve your French pronunciation
- Respond to Géraldine’s questions and prompts in the fill-in-the-blank audio dialogues using the keywords from the lesson
- Test yourself and see how many of the keywords and phrases you can remember from the lesson
- Replay the audio as many times as you want to make sure you 100% understood the lesson
Coralie, our personal French cuisine expert will show you how to go a step further
- Improve your oral comprehension + learn even more about French food culture by listening to Coralie’s tips and advice (French audio)
- Download the audio + transcript so you can learn about French bread, wine, and cheese anywhere, any time while listening to real spoken French.
- Enjoy Coralie’s bonus content, including suggested books, TV shows, websites and more so you can further your knowledge over time on the topics that interest you most

United States
The topic — cheese and wine — is so much fun, and so important to French culture. I look forward to each lesson. They’re so easy to pull up when I have the time. It helps me review what I already have learned, increase my vocabulary, teach me new and interesting things about the French and France. I learn something new every lesson!

United States
I wasn’t sure I would have enough time for Insider French, but I’m so glad I enrolled. It’s a very fun way to improve oral comprehension — especially for a foodie like me! I have better comprehension of spoken French and learned so much from the content. Now I’m more confident when I go to the fromagerie when I’m in France because I can discuss the various cheeses.

United States
I was worried I wouldn’t have enough time to commit to a French program, but Insider French is so practical and it never expires. It delivers real, practical information on topics I actually care about, and I can use it both in the U.S. and on vacation.

I’m trying to understand spoken French at a normal speed, so this was exactly what I wanted. I wasn’t sure it was the right level for me at first, but it is so rewarding for someone who is prepared to improve their oral comprehension skills slowly and methodically.
French food and wine are my passions, so I loved the vocabulary knowledge in Insider French. I am now concentrating on pronunciation in an attempt to sound more French, even to the French. I even feel more comfortable participating in wine tastings in France now.
I don't drink wine / eat cheese. Can I still enjoy this program?
Absolutely! While French food culture is the focus of the content, this program is designed to help you improve your French oral comprehension. If you can't eat cheese, I feel sorry for you... but of course you will still enjoy and learn from this program.
I'm very busy right now, how long do I have access to the program?
No worries! You have lifetime access to the program, so you can come back and revisit the lessons whenever you have time.
What's the right level for this program?
It’s perfect for French students who are a B1-C2 level learner. Not sure of your level? If you can understand this text, you have the right level for Insider French:
Et tu vois, ce que je remarque en regardant ces verres, c'est que c’est pas les verres qu'on voit dans les séries. Tu sais, les séries américaines ou anglo-saxonnes, où y’a des verres énormes. Moi, je sais à chaque fois que je regarde des séries comme ça, je me dis : « mais en France, on n’a pas des verres qui font un demi-litre ». Finalement, même ce verre qui paraît énorme est beaucoup plus petit que ce qu’on peut voir à la télé.
[This is an extract from Lesson 1 of Insider French]
I’m a man and this site says "Comme une Française". Can I join?
Oh oui ! Comme une Française welcomes smart women and men. The content isn’t gender-specific . And already, 30% of the students are men. You'll find their testimonials below. Come on in!
What if I have questions? What if I need help?
We keep an eye on each of our students. We know how tricky computers can be so if you need any technical help accessing the program, or with any email, just ask. My team of Customer Care Superheroes will come back to you, in no time. Anytime, as many times as you need.
For your questions about the lessons, use the comment area of each lesson and you'll receive my personal answer to clear a point or get more explanations on the topic.
Am I too old for this? Is this program only for 20-somethings?
Most of my students are women over 40—women in charge of their lives who know how important it is to learn and keep learning. Ages range from 25 to over 70—so you’re more than welcome. And between us, if you fear running into technical difficulties accessing the program online, fear not! I’ll be there to help if needed.
I stand by my programs, just like a real-life teacher would, with the advantages of a normal purchase. In your city, if a shirt doesn’t fit, you take it back to the shop!
Good news. You have 60 days to go through all the lessons and see if the program works for you. So you can be sure that it’s up to your level, that you like my style of teaching, that your French is really improving.
If the program doesn’t suit you, email me or my team, ask for a refund and you’ll get 100% of your money back. No need to threaten, to plead or to send an official letter, just send an email to help@commeunefrancaise.com asking for a refund. If you’re super kind, tell us why so we understand what’s going on (maybe we can help?). But if you don’t feel like it, just say you want a refund.
We’ll close your access to the program and send your money back (yes, including the VAT if you live in Europe).
We are super dedicated to customer care and your happiness comes first. Always.
About Géraldine
Salut ! Moi c’est Géraldine Lepère.
I’m a French woman (Paris-born, now living in the Alps) with a passion for sharing my love for French language and culture! I started Comme une Française in 2012 and have since helped more than 6,700 alumni learn to confidently understand and speak real, modern French through my paid programs – not to mention taught more than 7 million French learners through my weekly YouTube lessons.
Born to a French father and Mexican mother, I know the challenges and desire to blend into life in a foreign country. After two years of living in the UK, I knew that going beyond just grammar is essential to fitting in and feeling at home wherever you are.
If you love France and French life, I’m here to guide you, answering questions you wouldn’t dare ask about anything and everything French, so join me for learning and fun.
You’ve been following my weekly video lessons for a while and now I’m happy to introduce you to my premium programs.